
1. Uranus is hotter /colder than Saturn.
2. Jupiter has got more / less moons than Saturn
3. Saturn has got a longer / shorter diameter than
5. Mars is colder / warmer than Saturn
6. Neptune has got less / more moons than
B. Tabloyu verilen ifadelerle tamamlayınız. (1x8=8 Pts)
C. Cümleleri tamamlayınız. (2x8=16 Pts)
1. You should go to the municipal office
2. If you want to buy a newspaper,
3. She should call the police station
4. If we want to see the new films,
5. You should go to the department store
6. If he wants to buy a shirt,
7. We should go to the florist's
8. If you want to have some coffee,
D. Tanımları verilen çevre sorunlarını eşleştiriniz. (2x4=8 Pts)
1. ..............................is the destruction of forests in order to make more land for other uses.
2. ..............................is an increase in the Earth's temperature, oceans and atmosphere, we should take
3. .............................is an chemical, physical, or biological change in the quality of water that has a
harmful effect on any living thing.
4. ............................is the release harmful gases and chemicals into the air. It is really harmful for human.
We should... We shouldn't
waste water and electricity recycle paper and glass destroy forests cut down trees
hunt endangered species use wind and solar energy use public transportation plant trees
...... he should go to the shopping mall.
......if we want to talk about problems of our city.
......if she needs help.
......you should go to the newsagents'.
......if you want to buy some furniture.
......if we want to buy some flowers.
......we should go to the movie theatre.
......we should go to the cafe at the corner.
Global warming Deforestation Air pollution Water pollution
E. Cümleleri " superlative form" kullanarak verilen sıfatlarla tamamlayınız. (1x7=7 Pts)
1. Neptune is the .......................................planet.
2. Pluto is a ....................................... planet.
3. Mercury is the ........................................ planet.
4. Jupiter is the ................................... planet.
5. Neptune is the .................................. planet to the Sun.
6. Venus is the........................... planet.
7. Mercury is the ............................... planet to the Sun.
F. Cümleleri tamamlayınız. (2x8=16 Pts)
G. Eşleştiriniz. (2x8=16 Pts)
far small cold hot big dwarf close
H. Boşlukları "public building" ile doldurup bulmacada gösteriniz. (1x14=14 Pts)
I. Tabloyu doğru formlara göre doldurunuz. (1x9=9 Pts)
Adjective Comparative Form Superlative Form
1. beautiful more beautiful than
2. cold the coldest
3. close closer than
4. large the largest
5. hot hotter than
6. big the biggest
7. hardworking more hardworking than
8. good better than
9. small the smallest