Sareeslem075go Sareeslem075go İngilizce Cevaplandı Read and choose the correct answer.1 Are there ........... strawberries in the fridge?A) any B) some2 Can I have ............ cake, please?A) any B) some 3 Jenny has got a piano lesson ........... monday.A) every B) any 4 If I had a computer, I ............ surf the net. A) will B) would5 Is there ................ else you need from the supermarket?A) anything B) anywhere 6 Look! There's .................. in my soup. A) something B) anything 7 Diane .............. late if she doesn't hurry.A) has been B) will be 8 If I .............. you, I'd go to the gym more.A) were B) am9 They went to the mall but they didn't buy ............. .A) something B) anything10 There's .................. cold water. A) nothing B) no