
arkadaşlar mutlu prens kitabının ingilizce özeti.​

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Once upon a time there was a very happy prince. This prince, who does not cry for anything and does not grieve, has the walls of his castle built very high. The reason was not to encounter bad things or things that would upset him. He always wanted to laugh, he could never stand to cry. His people envied him and wanted to be like him. One day the prince died. Immediately, the statue of this highly respected prince was made. A golden statue was built on the highest place of the city. The prince's eyes were ruby, and the clasp of his sword was sapphire. When the happy prince arrived at this new place, which is so high up, he was astonished. His castle, which used to be surrounded by high walls, prevented him from seeing the evil around him, and now he was very surprised by what he saw. His people were never as happy as him. On the contrary, everyone was miserable and troubled. While crying to all this, a swallow was placed at her feet. Since it was time to migrate, he noticed that the statue was crying as a result of the drops flowing to the cubed bird, which was preparing to leave the city.

The prince began to explain to her. He began to tell the bird the situation of the families he saw. In a house far away, a mother and her child were in misery. The boy was both hungry and on fire. The prince told the bird to take one of the rubies from his eyes and take it to this house. Therefore, the bird could not migrate that night. When tomorrow came, the prince saw another house again. A student could not find fuel because he did not have money. Therefore, he could not do his homework. Seeing this, the prince told the swallow to take out his other eye and bring it to this disciple. Again the bird did as he was told. The swallow always wanted to go, but he was very sorry for the prince and did not want to leave him. Nothing of value remained on the prince anymore. At the same time, difficult times arose for the swallow. He needed to leave this cold city as soon as possible. He helped the prince again. In the morning, he froze to death at the feet of the statue. The statue, on the other hand, has turned into a pile of stones that have lost its value. Seeing this, the city council members decided to dismantle the statue and melt the gold. With the money they get from here, they will erect the statue of the mayor.