Cevap :
1-You and I……….. at the same school.
A ‘m
B İs
C are
D isn’t
Cevap: C
2- Ahmet……….football everyday.
A İs
B likes
C play
D plays
Cevap: D
3- Mary can not………. a tree.
A Climb
B Drive
C Look
D Study
Cevap: A
Zamirlerle ilgili sorular
…….. lives with her family.
A He
B She
C It
D They
Cevap: B
……….must be doctors.
A They
B He
C She
D You
Cevap: A
Ayşe and I are at school. ……….
A They are
B She is
C We are
D You are
Cevap: C
Cevap: C mi acaba
Açıklama: türkiyede kaç il vardır diye okudum amaa