Cevap :
Bir zamanlar tepelerin ardinda ki koyde agaclar bitkiler kisacasi yesillikler yokmus. Bu yuzden bu koyde buyuk bir sorun varmis. Yagmur yagdigi zamanlarda sel cikabiliyormus. Ama kimsenin aklina bitki dikmek gelmiyormus. Bir gun yine yagmur yagmis. Sel cikmis. Hayatlarini zor kurtarmislar.bu koyden goc etmeye karar vermisler.2-3gun gecmis baska koydekilere sormuslar"eski koyde cok sel cikiyordu oyuzden goc ettik. Sizce neden di?" "agac bitki vs. Varmiydi ? Sonra anlamislar geri donmusler. Bitkiler dikmisler ve bir daha sel cikmamis
Once upon a time, there were no trees, plants, in short, greenery in the village behind the hills. That's why there was a big problem in this bay. When it rains, floods can occur. But no one thought of planting plants. One day it rained again. The flood has come. They hardly saved their lives. They decided to emigrate from this village. 2-3 days passed, they asked the people in another village, "There was a lot of flooding in the old village, so we emigrated. Why do you think that?" "Were there trees, plants, etc.? Then they understood, they returned. They planted plants and there was no flood again.
Schools were closed last week due to heavy rain in our village. Because the only river of our village overflowed and there was a flood. There were not many people who were lost, that is, those who lost their lives. This was reason enough to cheer up our village. Glad we got through :)
Köyümüzde geçen hafta şiddetli yağış nedeniyle okullar tatil edildi. Çünkü köyümüzün tek nehri taştı ve sel oldu. Kaybedilen, yani kaybeden çok fazla insan yoktu.İyi ki atlattık :)