Cevap :
A day or two before the wedding, families and friends came together, traditional folk songs henna was applied on the bride's palm and the groom's pinky finger. The bride was seated in a chair and single girls with candles in their hands spinned around traditional folk songs such as "Bring the henna aney" or "To the high high hills" was sung on the way back, and the bride was expected to cry. If the person who put henna on the bride's palm at the henna night says, "The bride didn't open her palm," the mother-in-law put a gold henna gift on the bride's palm. Gold was not put in the groom's palm. After the henna was mixed, the vride was seated on a chair. Young women with candles in their hands began to circle the bride and sang folk songs. Henna was applied to the bride's right hand, and a gauze or handkerchief was wrapped and gloves are worn.