
10 tane soru ve 10 tane de cevapları ile birlikte yazın pls
Örnek: 1) A) Alex dün futbol maçında gol attı mı ?
B) Evet, o dün maçta gol attı.

A) Did Alex score goalat the football match yesterday ?
B) Yes, he scored goal at the match yesterday.

Aynen böyle 10 soru 10 da soruların cevaplarını istiyorum. Boşları bildireceğim ve acil lütfen
6. sınıf düzeyi olsun lütfen​

Cevap :


1.Did Hannah come to the party yesterday?

A)Yes,she did

2.Are you a professional at drawing pictures?

A)Yes im an professional at drawing.

3.Is it true that you went to the volleyball course before?
A)Yes,its true.

4.Didn't you come because you had a cold?

Yes,i had cold yesterdsy.(cold aynı zamanda nezle demek)

5.Are you good at basketball?


6.What profession will you do in the future?

Hm i want to become a doctor.

7.Are you afraid of going to the dentist?

Yes, I am afraid of the dentist.

8. Are you seriously allergic to ice cream?

Yes, isn't it strange?