
Dear Abby,
I'm having a problem with my flatmate. He's very messy. I like the house to be clean, but he throws his books and clothes everywhere in the flat. That drives me crazy. Please help me. What should I do?

Dear Abby, I have a friend who is tight-fisted. When we go to a restaurant, he says he hasn't got any money. He disappears to the toilet when the bill arrives. But he has a part-time job. What should I do?

Dear Abby, I have headaches every day. I also feel exhausted. I sometimes feel so tired that I fall asleep in class. The doctors say I have too much stress at university. Please help me. What should I do?

Dear Abby, I share a room with my sister. She borrows my things without asking. She wears even my favorite clothes. And I can't find them when I want to put them on! That's so annoying! What should I do? Mollie

sorunlara çözüm bulup , should ya da must ekiyle cümle kurulacak.
(soruya cevap vermek yerine gereksiz yorumlar yapanlar bildirilecektir. Doğru yapanı en iyi seçip, takibe alıcam.) ​

Cevap :

  • Change your flatmate maybe? If you can't, and he never stops even you warn him, throw away his dirty and messy stuff until he stops.
  • Do the same to him, make him have to pay. Go to the toilet before him when the bill arives.
  • You should not waste your time and finish your tasks as fast as possible so you can have more time to sleep.
  • Make a trap for her. For example make her steal a clothes with holes. Or you can leave messages under your stuff.

Çok ciddi cevaplar yazmadım umarım sorun olmaz.