Cevap :
A) John Lennon was older than Paul McCartney.
B) Some people think the Met is better than the Louvre.
C) -
D) Cats are nicer than dogs.
E) Cartoons are better than music programmes.
F) The Empire State is bigger than the Chrysler Building.
G) Barcelona is smaller than Madrid but bigger than Valencia.
B) Some people think the Met is better than the Louvre.
C) -
D) Cats are nicer than dogs.
E) Cartoons are better than music programmes.
F) The Empire State is bigger than the Chrysler Building.
G) Barcelona is smaller than Madrid but bigger than Valencia.
Hello !!
a) John Lennon was older than Paul McCartney.
=>John Lennon, Paul McCartney'den daha gençti.
b) Some people think the Met is better than the Louvre.
=> Bazı insanlar Met'in Louvre'den daha iyi olduğunu düşünür.
c) Eric was more afraid than in Harlem in the subway.
=> Eric Harlemdeki metroda daha çok korkmuştu.
d) Cats are nicer than dogs.
=> Kediler köpeklerden daha hoş.
e) Cartoons are better than music programmes.
=> Çizgi filmler müzik programlarından daha iyi.
f) The Empire State is bigger than the Chrysler Building.
=> İmparatorluk Eyaleti, Chrysler Binasından daha büyüktür.
g) Barcelona is smaller than Madrid, but bigger than Valencia.
=> Barcelona, Madrid'ten daha küçük, ama Valencia'dan daha büyüktür.
a) Samantha is the prettiest girl that Paul has ever met.
=> Samantha, Paul'un tanıştığı en sevimli kız.
b) I think that King Kong was the worst film ever!
=> King Kong, şu ana kadarki en kötü film!
c) Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
=> Everest Dağı, dünyadaki en yüksek dağ.
d) Our English teacher is the best teacher ever!
=> İngilizce öğretmenimiz şu ana kadarki en iyi öğretmen.
e) My room is the cleanest room in my house.
=> Benim odam, evimdeki en temiz oda.
f) Ron is the cleverest person I've ever met.
=> Ron, şu ana kadarki tanıştığım en zeki kişi.
g) The Millenium Star is one of the most expensive diamonds in the world.
=> Millenium Yıldızı, dünyadaki en pahalı elmaslardan biridir.
-Ek Bilgi-
Tek heceli sıfatlarda => -er ya da kelimenin sonuna göre -r/-ier gelir.
Çok heceli sıfatlarda => ''more'' gelir.
Tek heceli sıfatlarda => -est ya da kelimenin sonuna göre -iest gelir.
Çok heceli sıfatlarda => ''most'' gelir.