Cevap :
People are never alone in the world. No matter how deprived we are, there is always someone with us as family, relatives and friends. From this point of view, animals are also friends with whom people share their lives.
The Turkish nation is a nation that has always preserved its love and respect for animals throughout history. At the end of this historical process, today's sensitivity to animals is increasing. In the modern world, when we look at animal rights, adopting them or putting water and food for them on every street corner, our level of sensitivity is revealed.
Cats are the animals most suitable for living together. Their heavy movements and their smaller structure compared to other animals cause us not to be afraid of them. Cats offer us a nice intimacy both in home life and on the streets, with their closeness to humans and their small and affectionate demeanor. Living with them, loving them, is both valuable and fun for people. As a matter of fact, more importantly, he owns them. Although it is known that cats are accustomed to living on the streets by nature, they also have difficulties in many diseases. For this reason, the best thing that can be done for adoptive cats is to be a home for them. However, not all people live in the standard of living that can be their home. On the other hand, individuals whose living conditions are suitable should also explain this situation to their families correctly and adopt them. When people who think that they are doing a good deed without realizing it, when they leave their cat, which they cannot take care of, on the street, they actually take his life away from him. Because when a cat is used to home life, love, attention and being alive without protection, it may have difficulty adapting to street life.
Not a day goes by that we do not witness such situations. When we go out on the street, many house cats are trying to survive and maybe their life is over. In such cases, we should be conscious and consider ownership as a whole. Nobody wants to be abandoned. What would happen if we were left alone and a family left their house open to us and then left?