
ya da Ifadeyl bulunuz.
Aquaphobia is an abnormal and persistent fear of water.
It is a specific phobia that involves a level of fear that is
(10)-the patient's control or that may interfere with
daily life. People suffer from aquaphobia in (11)-ways
and may experience it (12)- they realize the water in
an ocean or a river doesn't pose any imminent threat.
They may avoid such activities (13)-swimming or they
may avoid swimming in the sea (14)-mastering basic
swimming skills.
A) below
C) beneath
A) plenty
C) both of
E) off
A) that
C) as
E) several
A) even though
C) in order that
E) likewise
E) and
B) out
D) beyond
B) each of
D) a little
B) as opposed to
D) in the event of
B) so
D) or