
Matt Suter, from Missouri, USA, is lucky to be alive. In 2006 he became one of the few people to experience the inside of a tornado and survive.
Matt was a high-school student at the time and was relaxing at home in his grandmother's when he heard a noise like a jet plane, which got louder and louder. One minute he realised that the walls and the floor of the trailer were moving. and the next minute all the windows and doors exploded. It was a tornado.
A lamp hit Matt on the head, and he At that moment the .. tornado him out of the trailer and he disappeared. When he woke up, he was lying in a of soft grass, a long way from the trailer. His head was where the lamp hit him and his feet were cut, but surprisingly, that was all. A neighbour found him, and they went to look for his grandmother. Luckily, she also survived, under the ruins of the trailer.
The tornado carried 19-year-old Matt nearly 400 metres from the trailer and then dropped him. Now he a strange world : he is the person to travel the longest distance in a tornado and survive! For a while he was a celebrity. He appeared on television to talk about his experience, but he didn't have very much to say because, unfortunately, he can't remember anything about what happened after the lamp him !
Mach the world in the box with the definitions use the words in bold in the text to help you.
( )
( () ) ________________________________
1 ____________
2 piece of farmland ________
3 a mobile home or caravan ________
4 lose blood in an accident_______
5 be the best person in the world at someting __________
6 hit someone and make them unconscious _________
7pull İnto your mouth _________
Matt found his grandmother..............
the tornado lifted Matt and carried him away..............
he appeared on tv.......
Matt was relaxing in his grandmother s trailer............
Matt woke up in a field
a tornado hit the trailer
a lamp hit Matt on the head
1 19
3 400