8. Look at the map and complete the dialogues with suitable words. 1) Max Pam Max Pam Max Pam Pool 2 2) Carol Terry : DAISY ROAD BANK TOYENGE EIREUS KING STREET THEATER Carol Thank you. Terry : Susan: Thank you. Benny You are welcome. D HOSPITAL Barber ROSE STAPLET Excuse me, how can I go to the restaurant? The restaurant? Yes, the restaurant. Well, It's Thanks. Not at all. PHARMACY SEN88L You are welcome. Well, go the Princess Road. Turn FELICE STATION on Daisy Road. __ the theater and the school. GROCERY 3) Susan Excuse me, is there a park near here? Benny: Oh, yes. There is one nearby. Take It is on your PRINCESS ROAD. SHOPPING CENTER EINEMA me, how can I go to the cinema? and take ///// opposite into King Street. Then cross It is on your on Daisy Road. 35