HELLO! 12. Complete the sentences with countries, nationalities, or languages 1. Hi! My name is José. I am from Spain. I'm Spanish. I speak two languages; English and 2. Hello! I'm Hiro. I am from Japan. I can speak............... and English. ********** 3. Hi! My name is Albertini. I am from Italy. I am 4. Hi! I am Mary. I am from the USA. I am I can only speak 5. Hello! My name is Ludmilla. I can speak Russian. I am from the ************* Federation. 6. Hello! I am Juliette. I live in Paris. I am fro I speak English and Australia 1. Germany 13. Match the flags with the countries. e. Canada- 3. India 5. China- f. England g. Egypt h. Kazakhstan 1. South Ko J. Brazil k. Norway 1. Turkey-